I’m sure this is the 100th email of a similar nature you’ve received recently, but in light of the new Data Protection laws, we want you to know that ABM Music International Ltd. is heavily committed to the protection of the personal data that we hold.
We have your email address/phone number stored on our system in order to communicate with you about events and and potential opportunities.
If you wish for your details to be removed from our system then please reply to this email simply with ‘Opt Out’.
To view our full policy please see this link:
- The only data we hold for our customers is email addresses and mobile telephones with the customer’s explicit permission. Explicit means they have to say “yes”, rather than “opt out”.
- Customers have the right to be “forgotten”, and will be removed from circulation list on request.
- The data we hold (email addresses) will only be used for legitimate business reasons, and will under no circumstances be passed on to third parties.
- Data is held only in secure, password-protected electronic format, and access is restricted to the Company.
- Any group emails offering services are sent using only BCC addressees.
- Any data stored is to be used solely for the purposes of event and performance opportunities, and will only comprise of their email addresses and mobile telephone numbers obtained with the consent of all concerned. These details will also be in an encrypted file and access is restricted to the respective group’s musical directors and the Company Manager.